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Moving on up

19 Jan

I was previously “blogging” over on Happy isn’t a number. And while I am still working to fully embrace what that means, I felt like having a negative word like “isn’t” smack in the middle of my blog tital was a bit counterproductive. So in an effort to be POSITIVE – here we are at a Happy, Healthy me. Since that is really what I am after.

Candy free is the way to be

19 Jan

These little guys hold a special place in my heart. Since I was a little girl I could eat and eat and eat them until my tongue felt like it was going to fall off. I cannot tell you how many times I have promised myself – today is the day I will quit candy! The EA at my office keeps a big jar of these as well as other candies that I almost always dip into. There was a point in time last summer where I was dipping to the point of insanity and eating hundreds of extra calories – now I have it reigned in a bit, but I still find myself indulging too often. And if I am ever to find peace with myself I think this would be a great thing to ditch. Just say NO! That is my motto for today – I will let you know how it goes 🙂